Guest's Bag
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Guest's Bag
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Server Rules

  1. Treat everyone with respect.

    - The following non-exhaustive list will not be tolerated: harassment, witch hunting, sexism, racism, hate speech, slander, impersonation, homophobia, and general discrimination and prejudice.
    Depending on severity, this will result in a temporary mute up to a permanent ban.

  2. Do not advertise any other server names, links, or IP addresses.
    - This rule applies to advertisement of any Discord or Minecraft servers.
    Intentional advertisement, under the discretion of staff, will result in a permanent ban.
    Unintentional advertisement may see a less severe punishment under the discretion of staff.

  3. No form of spam, scams, or begging for store content will be tolerated.
    - Begging for any store content is unacceptable. Make a deal with another player instead without harassing anyone.
    - Scams for paid store items will not tolerated.
    - Scams regardless if sent through our services or outside services will be punished with appropriate proof.

    - Spam also refers to in game chat spamming of multiple characters or advertisements of any kind.
    Depending on category and severity, under the discretion of staff, punishments may result in a warning up to a permanent ban.

  4. No age-restricted, political, religious, or generally offensive, controversial, and inappropriate content.
    - This non-exhaustive list includes any text, media, builds, skins, or usernames featuring nudity, sex, violence, drugs, or other graphically disturbing content. This includes the use of profanity and swear words. 
    - Any content should be acceptable to a G or PG audiences.
    Depending on severity, under the discretion of staff, this could result in a temporary mute up to a permanent ban. 

  5. Do not lag the server through any gameplay features.
    - Any player-made lag issues, such as redstone machinery, may be removed at any time by staff without notice to players or player’s consent or knowledge.
    First time offenses will result in a warning, while subsequent offenses may result in bans.

  6. Any game modifications that possess any gameplay advantage is strictly prohibited.
    - Common examples include x-ray, mods, or hacked clients.
    Under discretion of staff, this will result in a permanent ban.

  7. The creation and use of any builds that exploit gameplay and server features will not be tolerated.
    - This includes death traps and any other exploits, bugs, or glitches. Any such activities should be reported to staff through #support on our discord. 
    Intentional use of exploits, bugs, and glitches regardless if reported or not may result in the removal of items or a permanent ban.
    Unintentional discovery and usage as long as it is reported and without continuing to use the exploit, bug, or glitch will go unpunished.

  8. You are responsible for any and all accounts while accessing our services.
    - Any action or incident on your account you are responsible for. This includes any excuses of a sibling using your account or being hacked.
    - This includes ensuring in accordance to Discord's and Mojang's community guidelines you are at least thirteen years of age.

    Any punishment is subject to the discretion of the staff and the rules broken during any incidents.
    Underage users will have their accounts permanently banned which can be appealed after they become the appropriate age.

  9. The destruction of other player’s islands or theft of other player’s items is not allowed.
    - With the exception that island owners may remove player buildings and/or items as long as they have been offline for at least one month.
    Under discretion of the staff, punishment may include returning of items and the undoing of destruction, up to a permanent ban

  10. The use of multiple game accounts is allowed under the condition they are used appropriately.
    - You are limited to a maximum of three accounts, one main account and two alternate accounts.
    Punishment may include a warning, to a ban of any accounts above the limit, to a permanent ban of your IP address or all accounts you operate.

  11. No swearing or slander is allowed in any chat on our server.
    - The use of swear words or slander is strictly prohibited on our servers at all time. 
    Punishment may include a warning, mute, kick or ban depending on severity of swearing and amount of times used.
  12. Any form of punishment evasion or attempt to circumvent these rules will result in a permanent ban.
    -These forms include but are not limited to: signs, written books, statuses, profile pictures, and nicknames. 
    - Ban evading using a VPN or alternate account.
    Punishment may result in a temporary ban up to a permanent ban.

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